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Why is the IDF striking in Gaza?

48 hrs of Operating to Weaken Terrorism in the Jenin Camp

IDF Editorial Team

At approximately 01:00 on July 3rd (Monday), the IDF initiated a counterterrorism strike

targeting heavily-armed, violent terrorist groups. The activity lasted for the following two days ending on the morning of July 5 (Wednesday), as all forces exited the Jenin Camp. IDF soldiers operated in order to arrest multiple terrorists, responsible for over 50 shooting attacks, and confiscate hundreds of weapons, ammunition rounds and terrorist equipment in the Jenin Camp.

Why did the IDF launch this counterterrorism strike?

Over the last three years, the area of Jenin has been the largest source of terrorists. About 25% of the population in this area is affiliated with the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization and approximately another 20% of the city’s population is affiliated with Hamas, also a terrorist organization.

These numbers explain why over 50 shooting attacks have been carried out by terrorists from this area since the beginning of 2023. And also, the fact that 19 terrorists fled to the Jenin Camp after carrying out attacks since September 2022.

Basically, the area of Jenin has been a safe haven for terrorists. This is why the IDF decided to execute a precise and swift operation in the area of Jenin.

What were the successes of this operation?

The IDF left the Jenin Camp on July 4th, two days after the operation began.

The IDF in conjunction with the ISA and the Israel Border Police forces confiscated over a thousand weapons in the Jenin Camp and the city of Jenin; among them explosive devices, ammunition, guns and explosives facilities. Over 300 suspects were questioned and among them, 30 were apprehended.

In addition, 14 wanted suspects’ hideouts and operational situation rooms used for terrorist activity were located and thwarted by security forces. Three operational situation rooms used as terrorist infrastructure were thwarted.

Six explosives manufacturing facilities were located and dismantled, where the IDF got to confiscate over 300 explosives. Dozens of kilograms of chemical materials for making explosives were confiscated. 10 explosive devices, 24 “8” rifles, M16 rifles, and hundreds of bullets for various weapons were confiscated and neutralized.

Lastly, six underground shafts and two weapon pits identified with a terrorist organization containing large quantities of weapons were located. The weapons were located in hideouts, a mosque, pits concealed in civilian areas, operational situation rooms, and in vehicles.