Iranian-Led Syrian Attack on Israel

On November 17, 2020, the IDF exposed and thwarted an attempted attack to place improvised explosive devices (IEDs) on the Israeli side of the Alpha Line on the southern Golan Heights.

IDF Editorial Team


Upon identifying the explosives, IDF combat engineering troops neutralized the IEDs. The attack, which was carried out by a Syrian terror squad, was orchestrated by Iranian forces with the intention of targeting IDF troops. The IDF’s exposure of the IEDs yesterday is further proof of Iran’s entrenchment in Syria.

In response to the attack, the Israeli Air Force struck eight different Iranian Quds Force and Syrian Armed Forces military targets throughout Syria. 

The targets included:

  • A facility within the Iranian headquarters in Syria, next to Damascus International Airport
  • A classified site responsible for hosting Iranian delegations visiting Syria
  • A Syrian Armed Forces 7th Division headquarters, which is where the Iranian Quds Force predominantly operates from in the Golan Heights
  • Different components of surface-to-air batteries, after the Syrian Armed Forces fired at Israeli aircraft

What is the Alpha Line? 

The Israel-Syria border consists of two lines which are separated by a 155-square-mile buffer zone. To the east of the buffer zone is the Bravo Line that signifies the end of the buffer zone and the beginning of Syria. To the west of the buffer zone is the Alpha Line, where the UN buffer zone ends and Israel begins. Read more about the Alpha Line here.


Is this the first time Syrian terrorists have placed IEDs along the Alpha Line?

No. Just four months ago, on August 2, 2020, the IDF exposed and foiled a similar attempt when four terrorists attempted to place an IED by the Israeli security fence. The IEDs discovered in November 2020 were placed less than a 100 meters away from the IED placed in August 2020. In response to the August attack, IDF aircraft struck Syrian Armed Forces military sites including observation posts, intelligence collection systems, anti-aircraft artillery, and command and control centers.

Aug 2020: IED placement along Israel-Syria border

How else has Iran launched terror attacks on Israel from Syria in recent years?

Since the beginning of 2018, the Iranian Quds Force and its militias have launched or attempted to launch nine separate attacks on Israel using Syria as a launchpad: 

February 10, 2018: An Iranian UAV, armed with explosives, infiltrated Israeli airspace after being launched from Syria. The aircraft was identified by IDF Aerial Defense Systems early on and an IDF Apache helicopter successfully intercepted the Iranian UAV. In response to the attack, the IDF struck the UAV launchsite and 12 Iranian and Syrian targets in Syria.  

May 9, 2018: The Quds Force launched approximately 20 rockets from Syria at Israel. In response to the rockets, the IDF carried out strikes on dozens of military targets in Syria that belonged to the Iranian Quds Force. Among the targets, Iranian intelligence sites, the Quds Force logistics headquarters, an Iranian military compound in Syria, and observation and military posts were all targeted. 

January 20, 2019: The Quds Force fired an Iranian-made rocket from Syria at a civilian ski resort in northern Israel.The Iron Dome Aerial Defense System successfully intercepted the rocket before it could harm any civilians. In response, on January 21, the IDF struck Iranian Quds Force targets in Syria. Munition storage sites, a military compound in Damascus International Airport, an Iranian intelligence site, and an Iranian military training site were all targeted. 

August 24, 2019: The IDF preemptively foiled a Quds Force attack to launch killer drones from Syria into Israel.

September 9, 2019: Shi’ite militants operating under Iranian instructions fired a number of rockets at Israel from Syria. All rockets fell short and landed in Syria. 

November 19, 2019: Iranian forces fired four rockets at Israel from Syria. In response to the rockets, at approximately 3:35am on November 20, IDF fighter jets struck dozens of Iranian and Syrian targets in Syria. Surface-to-air missiles, headquarters, weapon warehouses and military compounds were all targeted. 

March 2, 2020: The IDF thwarted a joint Syrian Armed Forces and Hezbollah plan to attack IDF soldiers in the Golan Heights. In response, the IDF targeted the vehicle involved in the attack. 

August 2, 2020: The IDF thwarted an attempt by four terrorists to place an improvised explosive device (IED) by the Israeli security fence. In response, IDF aircraft struck Syrian Armed Forces military sites including observation posts, intelligence collection systems, anti-aircraft artillery, and command and control centers.  

November 17, 2020: The IDF identified and thwarted an Iranian-backed attack to place IEDs on Israeli territory. In response to the attack, the Israeli Air Force struck eight different Iranian Quds Force and Syrian Armed Forces military targets throughout Syria. 

The IDF continues to operate against Iran’s entrenchment in Syria and holds the Syrian regime responsible for all activity emanating from Syria. The IDF takes any violation of sovereignty very seriously and stands prepared for any scenario.