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“Protecting our Home – Maintaining Purity of Arms”

In light of last week’s events in Hebron, IDF Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Gadi Eisenkot, wrote a letter to IDF soldiers about key military values the army holds dear. Here are some excerpts from the letter.

IDF Editorial Team

In the last few months, we have been dealing with serious terror acts against Israeli civilians whose purpose is to undermine the strength of the State of Israel.

The IDF’s mission is to ensure the safety of Israel’s civilians and residents on the homefront and in the battlefield.

David Ben-Gurion said that “the fate of Israel depends on two things: its strength and its righteousness.”

From the day of its establishment, the IDF has championed the values of devotion to the mission and striving for victory. It has also sanctified the important values of human dignity and purity of arms. These values reflect an ancient Jewish tradition and a nation that desires life.

In every activity and every situation, it is our responsibility to act professionally, using focused, measured, and considered operational strength so that we succeed in our mission and remain true to our values.

IDF Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Gadi Eisenkot

The commanders, and I especially, will continue to provide support to every soldier that errs in the heat of battle against an enemy that endangers the lives of civilians and soldiers.

However, we will not hesitate to arrive at an appropriate verdict with regards to soldiers and commanders that deviate from the ethical and operational standards under which we operate.

The preservation of the IDF spirit and its values is not a privilege, but an obligation. This maintains the IDF as a nation’s army in a Jewish and democratic state.

All eyes are upon us and expecting from us security while preserving the ethical image of the IDF as a focus of national consensus.

We will continue to stand guard in order to fulfill our purpose – defense of our civilians, victory in war, and ensuring the existence of the State of Israel all while meticulously maintaining our values. That is where our strength lies.