Why is the IDF striking in Gaza?
Who is Hamas' Leader?
How is the IDF calling for Gaza's…

IDF officer wounded by grenade

Earlier tonight, an IDF officer was moderately injured when terrorists from the northern Gaza Strip hurled a grenade at him during the violent riots along the security fence. IDF troops responded by firing towards the terrorists and a hit was identified. The officer was evacuated to the hospital for further medical treatment.

IDF Editorial Team

Throughout the day there were violent riots involving thousands of Palestinians along the security fence between Gaza and Israel. Rioters threw grenades, explosive devices and fire bombs, burned tires, and threw stones at the security fence and at IDF troops. During the violent riots, troops even thwarted an infiltration attempt from northern Gaza.

These are not the first riots of their kind. Since March 2018, Hamas has organized weekly violent riots, which have included the use of grenades, fire bombs, explosives, stones, burning tires, arson kites, and incendiary balloons. During these riots, Hamas uses Gazan civilians as human shields and covers for terror activity.

These acts of terror by the Hamas terror organization must end. The IDF is prepared for a wide variety of scenarios and will continue to act against those who threaten the safety and sovereignty the State of Israel or its civilians.