Fighting a terrorist organization that operates within civilian areas isn’t easy. Watch as IDF pilots call off a strike because children were there:

IDF Editorial Team


Hamas deliberately and systematically places military targets within the civilian population, exposing their citizens to danger.

In contending with this, the IDF, and the Air Force in particular, attach paramount importance to accuracy and reducing harm to civilians. When planning a target, the IDF devotes significant time and resources to preparing the attack and where feasible, uses various tools, including advance warnings, roof knocking, street knocking, target clearing operations and a variety of professional calculations carried out by the Operations Analysis Directorate and the Planning Directorate.
The use of these means varies depending on, among other factors, the type of target, the expected collateral damage, and the resources available at the time.

Despite Hamas’ aims to endanger its own civilians, the IDF will continue to make efforts to minimize harm to civilians while continuing to attack Hamas terror targets.

Attached are materials documenting Hamas' tactics
in this regard: