All you need to know about the IDF’s COVID-19 vaccination campaign:

Starting this week, the IDF will begin to vaccinate its soldiers against the coronavirus, with an aim of fully returning to routine as soon as possible. Here is all you need to know about the IDF’s COVID-19 vaccination campaign.

IDF Editorial Team

How will the IDF’s COVID-19 vaccination campaign be carried out? 
The IDF's Technology and Logistics Division has opened a number of vaccine complexes throughout the country. The vaccine will be administered by medics trained by the Academy of Military Medicine and by qualified nurses who will supervise the vaccinations in each compound.

 Which vaccine is the IDF using to vaccinate its soldiers?
The Medical Corps will receive vaccines from the Ministry of Health of Israel. These constitute a portion of the vaccines purchased by the State of Israel for civilian use. The vaccine developed by Pfizer is the only one that has arrived in Israel and has been approved for use at this stage. The IDF plans to implement the use of additional vaccines from other companies once they are approved.

First to get vaccinated: IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi

Will IDF soldiers be required to be vaccinated?
Receiving medical treatment, according to law, is not mandatory in the State of Israel, and therefore soldiers will not be obligated to be vaccinated. Although the vaccine is not mandatory, the IDF makes efforts to encourage all its soldiers and commanders to be vaccinated. 

How will the IDF determine the priority of vaccines? 
In parallel with the State of Israel’s vaccination procedure, the first group to be vaccinated will be medical staff who are at the forefront of the fight against the virus. The following group will be populations at risk. Operational and essential military officials will also be vaccinated in order to facilitate full operational activity as soon as possible. Lastly, all remaining soldiers in the military will have the opportunity to be vaccinated.

Brigadier General Hidai Zilberman, the IDF Spokesperson, getting vaccinated

Will the military continue to enforce corona directives at its bases? 
Yes, even though the vaccines have arrived, the IDF continues to abide by all guidelines for maintaining the health of its soldiers. By following the guidelines alongside receiving vaccinations, the IDF intends for a swift return to its normal routine.

Is the IDF also involved in vaccinating civilians?
The IDF is playing a role in the vaccination of Israeli civilians. About 700 paramedics in reserve duty have joined the civilian vaccination campaign in order to make the operation more efficient.