Operation Protective Edge

Operation ‘Protective Edge’ (Hebrew: מבצע צוק איתן - Mivtsa Tzuk Eitan) was launched on July 8, 2014, with the aim of restoring security to the south of the country after numerous rocket attacks. After nearly 50 days of fighting, on land and in the air, a ceasefire was established

IDF Editorial Team

In June of 2014, the IDF was in the middle of Operation ‘Brother’s Keeper’ in Judea and Samaria. Hamas and other terrorist organizations significantly increased rocket fire at civilian areas in southern Israel. Within three weeks, nearly 250 rockets were fired at Israeli civilian areas. The IDF was forced to respond.

Start of the Operation

On July 7th, the IDF carried out numerous air strikes aimed at Hamas weapons caches, rocket launch sites, and terror infrastructure. Sirens were heard throughout most of the cities in Israel, including Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. On average, one rocket was fired every ten minutes from the Gaza Strip to Israel. One rocket from Gaza, in the South of Israel, even reached the city of Haifa in northern Israel, demonstrating the reach of Hamas’ rockets. Over the course of the operation, the Iron Dome intercepted hundreds of rockets.

Wounded being evacuated (Credit: EPA)

On July 14, Hamas rockets injured two Israeli girls, ages 11 and 13. While the IDF was doing everything in its power to protect Israeli citizens, Hamas used Gazans as human shields, and often used mosques, clinics and even UN schools to fire rockets at Israel.

On July 15, as a result of ceasefire initiatives on the political level, the IDF suspended its activity, but Hamas ignored it and fired nearly 50 rockets at Israel. That evening, an Israeli civilian was killed by rocket fire near the Erez Crossing, near the Gazan border. During the operation, Hamas violated eight ceasefires, which were all respected by the IDF.

On July 14th, Hamas rockets injured two Israeli girls, ages 11 and 13. While the IDF was doing everything in its power to protect Israeli civilians, Hamas used Gazans as human shields, and often used mosques, clinics and even United Nations schools as launch sites to fire rockets at Israel.

On July 15th, as a result of ceasefire efforts on the political level, the IDF paused its operational activity, but Hamas ignored the ceasefire and continued to launch nearly 50 rockets at Israel. That evening, one Israeli civilian was killed by rocket fire close to the Erez Crossing, near the Gazan border. During the operation, Hamas violated eight ceasefire agreements, all of which were respected by the IDF.

Ground Operation

On July 17th, Hamas violated the humanitarian truce that began that afternoon. A dozen Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel via underground tunnels dug from Gaza into Israel, with the aim to attack a kibbutz near the border. That evening, the IDF launched the ground phase of the operation, with the goal of destroying the tunnel network leading from Gaza to Israel. The IDF began destroying the terror tunnels within 24 hours.

The Battle of Shuja'iyya is one of the most memorable battles from Operation ‘Protective Edge’, mainly because of an incident involving an armored personnel carrier (APC). On July 20th, the IDF entered the Shuja'iyya district, after a battle which left 13 Israeli soldiers dead, and Hamas had taken one of the fallen Israeli soldiers’ bodies captive.

IDF soldiers first entered the area with five tanks and two APC’s. Due to technical difficulties, the first APC stopped on the side of the road. Its officer, along with his deputy, went to speak to the second APC’s officer. While the discussion took place, Oron Shaul, a soldier from the malfunctioning APC, stood guard. A few minutes later, the decision was made to unload the vehicle and to continue on foot. Before the soldiers had time to unload, the APC was hit by an Anti-Tank missile, killing Shaul and all 6 soldiers inside. The officer and his deputy were far enough from the missile and survived the attack. They managed to get away and hide in a nearby orchard until help arrived. To this day, in 2021, Hamas is still holding Oron Shaul’s body hostage, denying his family the comfort of properly burying their loved one.

The IDF later discovered many weapons within Gaza, and proceeded to neutralize booby-trapped houses. As the rocket fire continued from Gaza to Israel, the IDF decided to establish a field hospital at the Erez Crossing to treat wounded Palestinians.

Underground terror tunnel leading into Israel discovered in the Gaza Strip

On July 23rd, Hamas used the Al-Wafa hospital in Gaza to fire rockets at Israel. After taking measures to ensure the hospital was evacuated, the IDF targeted the terrorists who were hiding in the hospital. This is one of many examples of how Hamas used civilian infrastructure to fire rockets at Israel. By the end of July, more than 3,000 rockets had been fired at Israeli civilian areas.

On August 1st, Hamas violated the fifth ceasefire by attacking soldiers in the southern Gaza Strip. It was later discovered that an Israeli soldier had been kidnapped and killed in a shootout.

On August 5th, a 72-hour ceasefire was honored by both sides. After destroying the majority of the underground terrorist infiltration tunnels, ground forces withdrew from the Gaza Strip. After two days, Hamas resumed its rocket fire, re-escalating the situation. After three days of Israeli airstrikes, a new ceasefire was made. This ceasefire, like the previous ones, was almost instantly violated by Hamas and the rocket fire aimed at Israeli civilians continued.

Airstrikes continue

On August 21st, the IDF and the Israeli security forces eliminated three senior Hamas terrorists in Gaza: Raed Attar, Mohammed Abu Shamlah, and Muhamad Barhum.

These three terrorists were responsible for numerous terror attacks, including involvement in the abduction of IDF soldier Gilad Shalit in 2006. Following the IDF strike, a four-year-old Israeli child was killed by Hamas rocket fire in one of the israeli villages near the Gaza Strip. A few days later, three Israelis were wounded by rocket attacks on the Erez kibbutz, and another Israeli civilian was killed by Hamas aerial attacks in the Eshkol Regional Council.

Towards the end of August, a final ceasefire was agreed upon. The IDF lost 68 soldiers in Operation Protective Edge.

Operation ‘Protective Edge’ in numbers:
  • 4500 Rockets: Over 4500 rockets fired at Israel
  • 32 Terror Tunnels: The IDF destroyed 32 terror tunnels in Hamas, 14 of which infiltrated into Israeli territory
  • 5 Infiltrations: Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israeli territory 5 times during the operation
  • 692 Interceptions: The Iron Dome Aerial Defense System intercepted 692 rockets fired from Hamas at Israeli civilians
  • Hundreds of Hamas terrorists were injured and eliminated