Challenges in the North: The Threats You Never Imagined

Our elite ground and naval forces spend weeks training both underground and in the sea to address one major challenge: infiltrations.

IDF Editorial Team

Soldiers of the “Rimon” Reconnaissance Unit of the Givati Brigade and the “Isor” Subdivision of the 914 Squadron in the Israeli Navy spent recent weeks training in a specialized exercises. They focused on preparing for infiltrations, such as terrorists digging and passing through tunnels or scuba diving to Israel’s shores through the sea.

Tunnel Infiltrations

The tunnels posed a significant challenge to the IDF during last summer’s 50-day operation in Gaza. To address this growing threat, the “Rimon” Unit was tasked with holding a special exercise to prepare the soldiers for tunnel warfare – but this time in the northern region.

“The idea of the exercise is to prepare for underground combat. We understand that the biggest threat today is tunnel infiltrations, and we do not take this issue lightly. This is the reality of combat in the northern area, and we will continue training to ensure our preparedness,” explains Lieutenant A, an operation commander in the “Rimon” Reconnaissance Unit.

The soldiers held the exercise in an elaborate environment that was specifically built for this purpose. They maneuvered inside the tunnels with the guidance of “Rimon” soldiers whose role is to analyze intelligence behind the scenes.

“The moment we get to the area with the tunnels, we have two options – discover the tunnels on the ground or discover them with the help of intelligence. There are technological devices that help locate the tunnels on the ground and around the combat zone. After we find the tunnels, we secure the area, and only then do we begin guiding the fighters in the tunnels,” explains Lieutenant A.

The goal of these intense exercises is to prepare soldiers for the unique challenges posed by underground warfare, as was demonstrated during Operation Protective Edge last summer. Soldiers must be alert and acutely sensitive to their surroundings. The key is their professional ability to remain composed under pressure and make fast calculations when faced with an immediate threat.

Underwater Infiltrations

Operation Protective Edge also brought into focus the naval threats that Israel faces from the north and the south. The attempted infiltration by Hamas naval commandos on the first day of the operation was the first of its kind, and demonstrates the seriousness of this threat.

Terrorists are likely to attempt an infiltration of this nature in the future – and they will only get more sophisticated. Thus, the IDF has put greater focus on its sea training exercises. The 914 Naval Squadron, composed of Dvora class combat vessels, holds special exercises every 3 months in the northern area of the territorial seas.

“We learned lessons from Protective Edge. We reevaluated the threats and our patrols were intensified in the north,” explains Capt. S, Commander of the “Isor” Subdivision. “As we witnessed last summer, danger might arrive from terrorists reaching the coast by swimming or diving. But also on small boats carrying explosives designed for terror activity.”

“We simulate scenarios corresponding to the threats we actually face in the north. Our soldiers have to deal with the scenarios without preparing the ships in advance, rather by surprise. They have to react and respond as if it happened during a regular patrol,” explains Capt. S.

When simulating an infiltration by sea, a group of soldiers nicknamed the “Soldiers’ Eyes,” monitor the seas on control screens. They identify targets and also assist their comrades in reaching their target. In case the targets manage to reach the shores, ground forces are also called on to evacuate the zone and neutralize the terrorists.

“The exercise was extremely well operated,’” emphasizes Capt. S. “We saw that our commanders and our squad are ready. There is still a lot to learn from that event [the Hamas naval commando infiltration], but generally speaking, our soldiers responded perfectly to the exercise”.