Brothers in Arms – The Story of IDF Twins

In honor of Family Day, which is celebrated today in Israel, we present you the stories of two pairs of twins who are serving in the IDF together.

IDF Editorial Team

Simulator Sisters:

First Sergeant Bar Leset and First Sergeant Rotem Leset are both simulator instructors in the same squadron at Palmachim Airbase. Bar initially planned to become a soldier in the Military Intelligence, but when she and her sister heard about the job of Simulator Instructor, they decided to try out for the unit. Both sisters successfully passed the tests and went together through basic training and continued to the same course at Hatzerim Airbase. At the end of the course, Bar was sent to become a combat helicopter trainer, while Rotem was placed as a UAV trainer. In the beginning Bar served at a different base than Rotem, but since the training squadron at Palmachim has been expanded the sisters are reunited again and can support each other when times get hard.

“It’s not an easy role. You need to stand in front of the most executive people and know how to instruct with much confidence. At the end of the day we’re 21-years-old, with a lot of assertiveness for our age”, says Bar.

First Sergeants Bar and Rotem Leset

Electric Brothers:

First Sergeants Tzur and Tzach Sela are not only entirely identical from the outside, they also joke with the same jokes, walk the same way and have similar smiles. If it wasn’t for the name-tags on their blue jumpsuits, it would be very difficult to tell them apart.

The two brothers serve together at the System Division at Ramat-David Airbase as heads of the electricity crew. Originally they wanted to be combat soldiers and were expecting to serve on opposite sides of the country, but when they were offered the placement at the System Division, their mom was very persistent that they take this chance. The two studied in the same classroom, the same course and eventually arrived at the same unit and are now working side by side. Tzach and Tzur are very happy that they are able to spend their military service together but admit that it also has its downsides.

“We would have liked to see what it’s like to cope on your own”, they both say. “We wonder what would happen if we weren’t known as ‘the twins'”.

First Sergeant Tzur and Tzach Sela serve together as heads of the electricity crew at Ramat-David Airbase

Military service can be hard, so it is always nice to have somebody with you that is close to you. Who could be closer than your identical twin?

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