Shayetet 13

Shayetet 13 is a marine commando unit operating in the sea, on land, and in the air in a variety of daring and special activities.


The fleet engages in various operational activities, including strategic damage to enemy maritime infrastructures, as well as gathering high-quality intelligence on enemy operations.

Service in the unit combines long and comprehensive infantry training with specialization in marine warfare, diving, and the operation of special vessels.

The unit has won the Chief of Staff's award several times for its contribution to fighting terror, for developing innovative operational capabilities, and for instilling high norms of behavior of excellence and striving for victory.

The Shayetet 13 combat teams are required to obtain a variety of abilities and training to carry out their missions, and therefore their training is long and comprehensive. Among other things, the fighters specialize in infantry fighting, counter terrorism and guerrilla warfare, operational parachuting, and naval assault methods.