New David’s Sling anti-missile system protects Israel from long-range threats

The IAF’s newest air defense system is about to make Israel’s skies a lot safer. The David’s Sling system is capable of intercepting missiles fired towards Israel by enemy countries such as Iran and Syria. It will protect Israelis against large-caliber rockets, short-range ballistic missiles, and other developing threats. It’s scheduled to be operational in two weeks.

IDF Editorial Team

“We see that Hamas and Iran continue to progress and develop their offensive capabilities. We are always trying to stay one step ahead,” said a senior air force official at a press briefing.

David’s Sling will strengthen the anti-missile defense already provided by the Iron Dome, Arrow 2, and Arrow 3.

Israel’s air defense systems are stationed throughout the country and are prepared to respond 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Last month, a rocket was fired at southern Israel. Within 15 seconds, an Iron Dome battery intercepted it, protecting thousands of Eilat residents and tourists.

Unlike, the mobile Iron Dome, David’s Sling is stationary and can protect the entirety of Israel from its permanent location. The IAF received the defense system from the Defense Ministry in July. Since then, senior officers and soldiers have prepared for its deployment, studying the specificities and complexities of the new system.

“The David’s Sling defense system will strengthen Israel’s defense efforts with its capability to intercept high-quality missiles. I’m positive that all of our air defense systems together will strengthen our effectiveness.”