Footage of Yahalom Unit: Approx. 400 Terror Tunnel Shafts Have Been Identified and Destroyed in Gaza


Footage of Yahalom Unit: approx. 400 terror tunnel shafts have been identified and destroyed in the Gaza Strip

IDF soldiers continue to fight in the Gaza Strip. Until now, IDF soldiers have exposed and destroyed approximately 400 terror tunnel shafts.

The Yahalom special forces unit of the Combat Engineering Corps has played a significant role in uncovering and destroying these shafts using various methods.

Hamas has embedded its network of terrorist tunnels below population centers across the Gaza Strip. Many of the shafts leading to its tunnel network are located within civilian hospitals, schools and homes.

Attached is footage of the operations of the Yahalom Unit in the Gaza Strip:

Attached are photos from the discovery of terrorist tunnel shafts by the soldiers of the 252nd Brigade:
