Footage of the Oketz (K-9) handlers and dogs in combat


Since the beginning of the fighting, Oketz (K-9) Unit fighters and dogs from the Marom Special Operations Brigade exposed approximately 50 booby-trapped explosive devices and dozens of weapons stockpiles. Female combat soldiers from the unit have played a significant role in supporting the efforts to locate findings regarding the Israeli hostages held captive in the Gaza Strip.

As part of their unit's activities, Oketz (K-9) soldiers and dogs discovered explosives in a room at the Rantisi hospital, as well as a weapons stockpile.

In another activity, one of the unit's dogs located a barrel of explosives set to harm arriving forces.

Four dogs that fought alongside the troops were killed in combat while defending the soldiers in the Gaza Strip. They will be buried in the unit’s cemetery according to protocol.

Attached is footage of the Oketz (K-9) Unit’s activity in the Gaza Strip:

Attached is footage of an Oketz (K-9) Unit dog identifying a booby-trapped car:

Attached are photos of the four dogs that were killed during the operations in
the Gaza Strip:

Attached are more photos on the subject: 



