Press Briefing by IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari November 4th, 20:40


Good evening. 

We are at the beginning of the fifth week of the war. IDF soldiers continued to deepen our operations in the northern Gaza Strip today. Earlier today, I joined the IDF Chief of Staff and we entered into the territory of the Gaza Strip as part of an operational convoy. In field, we met the divisional commander, all of his brigade commanders, and many soldiers. The Chief of Staff held a situational assessment briefing, with each of the divisional commanders presenting their operational lessons and their field battle analysis that they have learned so far. They also shared their sense for the morale of the troops in terms of preparedness for further combat. What came out of this meeting are first and foremost professional matters - how are we going to strike the enemy more, to deepen our strikes and how we can improve our professionalism and the security of our forces. The meeting was closed with remarks by the Chief of Staff and I want to share with you a few personal points: the soldiers looked the Chief of Staff in the eye and told him, “We are determined. We are determined to fight. We are in control of every battle and in every battle we have the upper hand. We will continue to advance the fight in order to dismantle Hamas and to accomplish the goals of the war.” 

We left the battlefield and the Chief of Staff continued to the Southern Command to analyze the general battle plans. Tonight, the IDF soldiers will continue with their divisional operations, along with the Air Force. The divisional commanders on the battlefield emphasized to the Chief of Staff the importance of the Air Force, and how the Air Force strengthened the IDF forces on the ground. The Air Forces helps to ensure the protection of the infantry, in addition to its actions to strike the enemy and accomplish missions that are independent of the ground forces. We will continue to progress toward our objectives in the Gaza Strip tonight, and in the days to come.

Northern Israel

In the north, IDF troops struck a series of Hezbollah terror targets in Southern Lebanon. This is in response to Hezbollah firing against IDF border positions. IDF aircraft, tanks and artillery were involved and struck a military command center, rocket storehouses, and military compounds belonging to Hezbollah. Hezbollah, that claims to be “A Shield of Lebanon,” continues to portray itself as such, but it actually serves as a “Shield of Hamas-ISIS,” as it places the civilians of southern Lebanon in danger. As in the Gaza Strip, we will not allow Hezbollah terrorists who are firing at us, to reap the benefits of using the south Lebanese population as human shields, as they embed themselves in urban infrastructure. We will strike the exact location from which attacks are fired towards us. We will continue to respond and to strike immediately. We are highly prepared in the north, both offensively and defensively.

Judea and Samaria

In Judea and Samaria - over the past day we have operated to combat terror and will continue to do so in the coming days.

Home Front

The Home Front directives continue to be updated on a daily basis. Our aerial defense system is one the most advanced in the world. Today, we intercepted a long-range missile fired by Hamas towards the Arava. It was intercepted by our “Arrow” System.” It was a highly successful operational interception. We will continue to provide aerial defense to the State of Israel in any place where it is under threat. It is important to remember, our defense systems are not hermetic.  Therefore, the instructions to the public and how the public continues to be vigilant in entering protective shelters, to wait ten minutes [after the siren and the interception], before leaving the shelters is what enables us to maintain routine and to continue fighting. 

Hostages and Bereaved Families

So far, 241 families of hostages have been notified and we continue in our intelligence efforts - both civilian and military. This includes the IDF, the ISA and also the Mossad. We are all working together in a mighty effort - military, intelligence and civilian - everywhere, including everywhere in the Middle East, in order to bring the hostages home.

We have also notified the families of 345 IDF fallen soldiers who have fallen in the battles for the defense of the nation. Our hearts are with the families and we will continue to accompany them. This evening, we published the radio communications from the 53rd Battalion and the 13th Battalion. On that night, the commander of the 53rd Battalion, Lt. Col. Salman Habka, was killed at the front of his force, fighting valiantly. Salman, heard a force from the 13th Battalion requesting assisting fire on the radio. He charged straight towards the enemy in his tank, leading his battalion to provide assisting fire to other soldiers, and fell in the battle. This is true brotherhood. This is the IDF spirit. This is how our soldiers fight and will continue to fight valiantly.