Hamas Terrorist Uses Ambulances for Transportation Purposes


Hamas regularly exploits ambulances, hospitals, clinics, mosques, and schools for terrorist purposes. In this intercepted and declassified phone call, a Hamas terrorist operative says that “I can leave with any ambulance I want.”

This is far from an isolated incident.
Other quotes from the Shabak (ISA) investigations of Hamas “Nukhba” terrorists who took part in the October 7th massacre in the area reinforced this:

- “Al-Qassam have their own ambulances, some of which are located on the military base. The appearance of the ambulances is similar to the civilian ambulances so that they will not arouse suspicion or be bombed by Israel.”

- “During combat, the ambulances are used, among other things, to evacuate fighters – commanders and operatives. They also transport food, cargo and weapons in them because that is the safest way to transport them.”

- “Most senior Hamas political and military officials are hiding in the hospitals, especially the Shifa Hospital. They take advantage of the hospitals so that they will not be bombed.”

- “Hamas stores weapons and ammunition under schools.”

- “Many places in the Gaza Strip are rigged, the cables leading to the operating system are in civilian mosques and clinics.”

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