How is the IDF calling for Gaza's…
Who is Hamas' Leader?
Why is the IDF striking in Gaza?

IDF & Israeli security forces conducted an intel-based counterterrorism operation to apprehend an Islamic Jihad terrorist squad in the Jenin Camp


IDF & Israeli security forces conducted an intel-based counterterrorism operation to apprehend an Islamic Jihad terrorist squad in the Jenin Camp.

The terrorists were heavily involved in planning & executing multiple major terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians & soldiers. 

The terrorist squad opened fire on the security forces, instigating a crossfire during which three terrorists were neutralized. 

The security forces operated to surround the building in which the suspects were located. Two armed suspects were identified fleeing the scene & were neutralized, while another suspect in the building surrendered himself to security forces.

An armed suspect was neutralized by the soldiers at the scene, where armed suspects opened fire toward the security forces, who responded with live fire. Hits were identified. Claims regarding additional casualties during the exchange of fire are being looked into.