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Ground Operation Conducted by the Security Forces in the Kasbah of Nablus


IDF, ISA and “Yamam” forces raided a hideout apartment in the Kasbah of Nablus that was used as a headquarters and explosives manufacturing site. The site was used by the main operatives of the “Lion’s Den” terrorist group (“Arin Alousud”). The forces detonated the explosive manufacturing site.

During the activity, multiple armed suspects were hit and Palestinian reports indicate that were multiple injuries.

During the operation, dozens of Palestinians burned tires and hurled rocks at the troops. The troops responded with live fire toward the armed suspects who were shooting at them.

The “Lion’s Den” terrorist group is in responsible for carrying out the shooting attack that killed the IDF soldier Staff-Sargent Ido Baruch, as well as attempting to carry out a terrorist attack in Tel Aviv (an attack that was thwarted by the Israel Police) and the planting of an explosive device in the “Kedumim” gas station.

They also attempted to carry out a shooting attack in "Har Bracha" and hurled a grenade towards IDF soldiers who were adjacent to "Havat Gila'd”.

The terrorist group is also in charge of multiple shooting attacks throughout the City of Nablus.

Over the last period of time the terrorist group continued to recruit, plan, and carry out attacks aimed against innocent Israeli civilians.