Innovation on the Modern Battlefield: Meet the IDF's New Panda Bulldozer

IDF Editorial Team

When facing explosive devices during combat, we always strive to minimize risk to our soldiers. Meet the IDF’s new unmanned combat engineering "Panda" Bulldozer!

The need for a safe method of removing explosive threats led to the development of this remote-controlled innovation—an armored robotic system controlled from afar by specially trained personnel to conduct combat engineering tasks. This heavy vehicle has the potential to change the way the IDF operates in routine and operational scenarios, and is revolutionary in that it allows forces to be “on the battlefield” without risking their lives. 

“The operational reality and alternating battlefield create new and complex engineering challenges. Our enemies often fight in urban areas and activate explosive devices and traps. This tool is a robotic innovation, armored and shielded, allowing for the effective and quick handling of the obstacles set by the enemy.”

—IDF Chief Combat Engineering Officer, BG Ido Mizrachi.