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New Commanding Officer for the Gaza Division

IDF Editorial Team

BG Avi Rosenfeld entered his new position as the Commanding Officer of the Gaza Division, replacing BG Nimrod Aloni, who served in the position for the past two years.

A ceremony to mark the exchange of command was held today (Monday), at the Re'im Camp and led by the Commanding Officer of the Southern Command, MG Eliezer Toledano. The ceremony was attended by commanders, soldiers, division commanders, security officers, families and additional guests.

The outgoing Commanding Officer of the Gaza Division, BG Nimrod Aloni, led the Gaza Division during the two last operations, Operation “Guardian of the Walls”, and Operation “Breaking Dawn”.

Commanding Officer of the Southern Command, MG Eliezer Toledano:
“Dear Nimrod, you leave your position following “Breaking Dawn”, an operation against the Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip. During the operation, the Gaza Division combined an impenetrable defense with great tactical ground and aerial capabilities, and for that I am proud of you, all of you. Under your command, the division achieved expertise in underground counterterrorism activity. There is a lot we don't know, and little has been told and will be told. Our enemies are well aware of the depth of the operational capability you have built over the years in the Gaza Division. Hamas and other terrorist organizations have not ceased their attempts to attack us, and we will not stop striking them whenever they rear their heads. Dear Avi, you are an experienced operations man who is well acquainted with the nature of this region. I am glad you are the officer who is taking this responsibility on his shoulders. You know well that the secret to our strength is the cohesion between the local communities and the IDF. I trust you, and will always have your back.”

Outgoing Commanding Officer of the Gaza Division, BG Nimrod Aloni:
"I loved working with you, my soldiers. I loved standing in the hot sun on Friday patrols, and sneaking around the frozen perimeter at night with you. I appreciate you for giving your all to our civilians and our nation. To the senior officials of communities of the Gaza Strip- you were always the ones who stood at the frontlines, and supported the long-standing alliance between the local communities and the division above all else. For that I thank you. My replacement, dear Avi, you are now handed all this good that comes with immense responsibility and great friendship. The people around you and yourself, with your vast experience and wise leadership, will break through to new areas of innovation and make any necessary improvements.”

“I proudly entrust this beloved division in your hands and wish you great success. I wanted to leave my position as everyone does, to walk through the division and say goodbye to its people and scenery, but I had one more mission left - to strike the Islamic Jihad, restore security for Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip and maintain the achievements of Operation “Guardian of the Walls”. It is too early to draw conclusions from Operation “Breaking Dawn”. However, our defensive capabilities during the operation were outstanding, and you, my soldiers, operated with high morale, enthusiasm and professionalism. You gave the people of the State of Israel a reason for national pride.” 

Incoming Commanding Officer of the Gaza Division, BG Avi Rosenfeld:
“In front of our eyes stand those who we swore to protect: The special people living here in communities near the Gaza Strip. In the wonderful city of Sderot, and in the Kibbutzim and Moshavim that cultivate the land to the last plow. A community that continues to grow and develop despite all the difficulties and threats facing it. I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for the soldiers of the IDF that defend the sector, several of which are in the guard post, on patrol or in the area as we speak. They serve with little to no moments of praise and many moments of hardship and attrition. Know that your efforts do not go unnoticed. We see you, appreciate you and salute you. To conclude, in his speech on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of Kibbutz Nahal Oz in 1961, former Prime Minister of the State of Israel, the late Mr. David Ben-Gurion, wrote to the people of the Kibbutz: ‘I do not know if you have a nahal (stream)- but you do not lack oz (courage).’ I would like to thank BG Nimrod Aloni, you led a series of significant and essential developments in the division. During my time getting to know the division I saw a high-quality and professional commander and, above all, an exceptional person. I wish you luck on your journey.”



