How is the IDF calling for Gaza's…
Who is Hamas' Leader?
Why is the IDF striking in Gaza?

Everything You Missed On Operation "Breaking Dawn"

IDF Editorial Team

On Monday, August 1, 2022, the Israel Defense Forces apprehended the Head of the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization in Judea and Samaria. 

Islamic Jihad threatened to retaliate and Israeli intelligence identified a direct threat from Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip. As a result, precautionary measures were taken to protect civilians in southern Israel. 

After the threat of a terrorist attack continued through Friday afternoon, the Israel Defense Forces officially began Operation ‘Breaking Dawn’. Israel took action with a counterterrorist strike targeting the Head of Islamic Jihad Northern Gaza Division, Tayseer Jabari. The IDF also targeted other Islamic Jihad terrorist infrastructure in the Gaza Strip. 

On Friday at 21:00, Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip fired the first rockets into southern Israel, and it continues to do so as of this time. The IDF responded to Islamic Jihad’s attack by targeting military positions belonging to the terrorist organization within Gaza. At the same time, the IDF continued counterterrorism operations to apprehend Islamic Jihad operatives in Judea and Samaria. An IDF aircraft targeted and killed Khaled Mansour, the Commander of Islamic Jihad in the Southern Gaza Division. Mansour planned and executed dozens of attacks against Israel over the years, and most recently carried out an anti-tank missile and rocket attack aimed at Israel. 

As of Sunday, August 7, almost 935 rockets were indiscriminately fired at Israel from the Gaza Strip. The Iron Dome Aerial Defense System has been operating at a 96% interception rate for rockets directly endangering Israeli civilians.