Dear soldiers, we have gathered all the rights and benefits you are entitled to as lone soldiers–in one place
The subjects detailed below include: lone soldiers’ special leaves, general benefits, housing benefits, ancillary benefits and benefits from government offices

לכל הזכויות לחיילים בודדים בעברית לחצו כאן

The IDF Lone Soldier Headquarter is available for you for any questions!

Lone Soldiers’ Vacations


:Personal Errands Day (Yom Sidurim)-

A lone soldier is entitled to 24 hours to run personal errands, once every two months during mandatory service and once a month during training. The soldier will be released to go home a day before the personal errands day and return to base a day afterward. It is prohibited to prevent a soldier from going on such day, as it is a fundamental entitlement

*The personal errands day should not be scheduled on the soldier’s day off or during their special vacation, as well as not on a Friday or holiday eve


:Special Leave on Moving Day-

A special vacation is granted once a year of service for two days on the occasion of apartment move


:Leave for Parents’ Visit in Israel-

Granted once a year of service, for 4 days during training and 8 days during mandatory service


:Special Leave to Visit Parents Abroad-

A lone soldiers is entitled to 30 days of special leave, once a year of service

It is possible to divide the days of vacation along the same year, but impossible to accrue them from one year to another


:Economic Special Leave-

A lone soldier who was approved to go on an economic special leave will automatically be entitled to economic allowance equivalent to NIS 22 per day for the length of their entire vacation

Assure receiving the economic allowance with the HR (Mash’an) office in your unit*


:Flights During Familiar Emergencies-

A lone soldier whose first-degree relative passed away abroad is entitled to a flight that is entirely sponsored by the Ministry of Defense


:Leaving Base Early-

A lone soldier that leaves their unit on weekends or holidays will be released and leave their base in a time that will allow them to arrive at their accommodation no later than 10:00AM


General Benefits


:Monthly Allowance-

Lone soldiers are entitled to economic support in addition to the subsistence allowance which is equivalent to NIS 601.2 and paid to all soldiers. Moreover, soldiers who serve in a combat position are granted an additional allowance to their monthly salary

Soldiers who serve in activity level A will be granted a monthly allowance of NIS 233.7

Soldiers who serve in activity level A+ will be granted a monthly allowance of NIS 467.2



Lone soldiers are entitled to coupons, equivalent to NIS 150 a month, charged into their military ID (Choger). The soldiers will be allowed to use said coupons up until 60 days since they were granted


:Holiday Coupons-

Lone soldiers are entitled to holiday coupons on Rosh HaShana and Passover in order to get ready for the holidays–the coupons can be used in the supermarket chains that are updated every year

:Extended Marriage Allowance

A special, one-time marriage allowance of approximately NIS 1,080 is granted to a lone soldier who marries during their mandatory service

In addition, they will be entitled to three months in which they will continue being entitled to a lone soldier’s rights until they settle



Two weeks before their enlistment date, the IDF candidate will receive an SMS with a link and a code for the “Stars” (equivalent to NIS). The number of “Stars” increases according to the duration of their service (a soldier receives “Stars” before their enlistment, a month after enlisting and a year after enlisting) and according to their service type (combat / non-combat)


Housing Benefits

:Beit HaChayal (Soldiers’ House)-

Rent-free apartment buildings widely spread throughout the country with multiple provided services (food, laundry and coordination of social events). Each soldiers’ house has a manager and staff that assist in all cases

:Bayit Cham (Warm House)-

Various rent-free apartments widely spread throughout the country–new or renovated apartments that are outfitted and furnished. In every apartment there are 4-6 soldiers. Each apartment has a coordinator who is constantly available to assist with all their necessities

A lone soldier who lives in such apartment will be entitled to monthly coupons equivalent to NIS 400 to buy nutrition and hygene products (includes the NIS 150 coupons granted to every lone soldier)

:Live in a Kibbutz-

The rent-free lone soldiers’ apartments are spread throughout the country with multiple provided services (food, laundry and coordination of social events). Up to two soldiers live in each apartment. Every kibbutz has a coordinator who is responsible for providing responses to the soldiers. The soldiers could also choose to live with an adoptive family in the kibbutz


:Monthly Rent Refund-

A lone soldier who rents an apartment will be entitled to a monthly rent refund of NIS 1399, in addition to apartment maintenance expenses of NIS 351.5 - a total of NIS 1750

You can apply for rent assistance before the recruitment through the recruitment office

:Monthly Apartment Maintenance Expenses Refund-

A lone soldier who lives in an apartment but does not pay rent will be entitled to apartment maintenance expenses of NIS 351.5 for the following expenses: water, electricity, gas and taxes, including payments to the housing committee


Ancillary Benefits 

Please refer to your unit’s Tash personnel to assure you received the benefits*


:Economy Allowance-

:Financial participation for economy when the soldier is outside of the unit

During a special economic special vacation, an economic allowance of NIS 22 per day will be paid

When the soldier declares themselves sick for 3 days or more, an economic allowance of NIS 28 per day will be paid. This entitlement is not valid for soldiers living in Beit HaChayal

:Flight Ticket Funding-

A lone soldier whose parents live abroad is entitled to funding of 100% of the cost of a round trip ticket + medical insurance for the purpose of visiting their parents, for a period of stay of up to 30 days (except in exceptional cases)

A distinct lone soldier is eligible for funding once per service and a combat lone soldier is eligible for funding twice, in two separate years of service

Before reserving the ticket, the soldier must get permission from their unit’s commander

The soldier will bear the costs of issuing their passport and entry visas

In order to receive the flight ticket after receiving approval for its funding, the soldier must contact the ‘Association for Israel’s Soldiers' branch in Tel Aviv, in service dress uniforms (Madei Alef) together with valid passports, a military ID (Choger), a photocopy of an official response to the request and a flight funding reference page


The soldier can receive the benefit after eight months of regular service*


Contact number of the Tel Aviv branch of the ‘Association for Israel’s Soldiers’: 072-2702111/2


:Flights During Familiar Emergencies-

A lone soldier whose first-degree relative passed away abroad is entitled to a fully funded flight and a stay of up to 30 days at the expense of a special leave

In this case, you should immediately contact the Tash personnel and/or the Lone Soldier Center by phone at any hour

For the purpose of a quick flight, make sure that the soldier's passport (Israeli or foreign) is valid and within reach

:Family Day Gifts-

Please refer to the Tash personnel in your unit to receive the gift



Mental health - entitlement to a meeting with mental health doctors if there is a need for professional- advice. For a routine meeting on a regular basis, contact your direct commander

Prosthetic dental care - entitlement for up to 2 crown/implant treatments - upon presenting a doctor's approval to the Tash personnel


Benefits from Government Offices

The benefits from the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration and from the Ministry of Construction and Housing are granted even after the soldiers are discharged. They are offered only to soldiers who made Aliyah and will be given from the very day they refer to them. Please make sure to exercise your rights on time


:Benefits from the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration-

A monthly allowance equivalent to NIS 540 will be granted to lone soldiers who recently made Aliyah. In order to receive the benefit the soldiers must refer to the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration (Phone: 03-9733333 / *2994) and renew the allowance each year by signing certain documents and presenting an Aliyah certificate, a lone soldier certificate and a service confirmation document


:Benefits from the Ministry of Construction and Housing-

A monthly allowance equivalent to NIS 402 will be granted to a lone soldier who recently made Aliyah. The money is transferred automatically during the soldier’s regular service


:Discount in the Israel Electric Cooperation (IEC)-

50% discount on the first 400 watts, only for the duration of the soldier’s regular service. The discount is granted automatically, if not - please refer to the Lone Soldier Center

:Benefits from the Population and Immigration Authority-

Lone soldiers are not obligated to pay fees according to Israel’s Passport Law on the occasion of issuing or renewing passports or travel documents. The soldier should refer to the nearest Population and Immigration beareau to their accommodation with a lone soldier’s certificate

:Benefits from Municipalities-

Property tax exemption benefit, provided during service and up to 4 months after the soldier is discharge

This is if you live in an apartment up to 70 square meters in size*

If 5 or more people live in the apartment, the exemption is given for an apartment up to 90 square* meters in size

In order to receive the benefit, an application must be submitted to the municipality with additional certificates



Rights of Lone Soldiers Before and After Being Discharged

Dear soldiers, we have gathered all the rights and benefits you are entitled to as lone soldiers before and after being discharged–in one place

The subjects detailed below include: civilian life preparation course, economic support after discharge, housing benefits after discharge, academic studies and education, employment, rights from public authorities, support and personal guidance in civilian life, lone soldiers who recently made Aliyah and lone soldiers in career service

:Civilian Life Preparation Course for Lone Soldiers

The course grants soldiers with tools and responses to cope with civilian life and its accompanying challenges. A soldier can join the course up until six months before being discharged, and it is obligatory to participate in it

*Please refer to the HR or Tash personnel in your unit for further details in regard to joining the course

Economic Support after Being Discharged

Discharge Allowance-

An allowance calculated in accordance with the duration and type of service. A lone soldier is entitled to receive the allowance 60 days prior to their discharge, as opposed to the rest of the soldiers

:The allowance is granted in two tranches

First tranche - equivalent to 80%-90% of the total sum

Second tranche - the allowance’s balance will be received on the first day of the month that follows the receiving of the first tranche

Soldiers may refer to the salary call center at 1111 ext. 2*

To avoid problems in the allowance reception, we advise not to perform any changes in your bank account until receiving the total sum

To calculate the allowance, click here

:Personal Deposit-

A budget intended to be used for several purposes only, during the first five years after being discharged. At the conclusion of these five years, the balance of the deposit will be transferred directly to your bank account. The sum of the deposit is calculated according to the type and duration of your service

*In case changes were made in your bank account, an application could be sent requesting to transfer the deposit to the Postal Bank

For further information regarding the deposit, click here

To calculate the allowance, click here


Housing Benefits after Being Discharged 

:Rent Payment Support-

An amount of money to provide rent payment support that is transferred directly to your bank account. Discharged soldiers can apply to receive the support up until one year after being discharged

For further details click here 

:Beit HaChayal-

Lone soldiers are entitled to three months of organizing in Beit HaChayal starting from the day they are discharged. The said three months are included in the twelve months to pay rent

For further information, click here


:Assistance in Buying Basic Furniture-

A one-time allowance to refund house furniture expenses upon presenting receipts

For further information, click here


:Temporary Housing of the ‘Yated’ Program-

Common living apartments widely spread throughout the country that include individual accompanying by social workers. The apartments are meant for discharged soldiers who are willing to committ to a process of approximately one year and also have a high level of functioning. The apartments are rent-free. The waiting times until one can enter an apartment can last up to three months.

For registration or further information, please contact the coordinators in accordance with your home district

Ido (Northern District) - 050-3345677

Diche (Jerusalem District) - 050-7256242

Iris (Central District) - 050-6298191

Adi (Southern District) - 050-6222706

For apartment search, use the following sources: Yad2, Homeless, Komo, Madas and Facebook groups (Suggestion: “Apartments for rent in (name of city))

*Lone soldiers that are children of Israeli parents on a delegation abroad will not be entitled to housing benefits after being discharged, unless if they received a monthly rent refund during their regular service


Studies and Education

A wide variety of rights and benefits after being discharged, for further information and contact details click each of the programs

Consulting and professional guidance

Academic scholarships

“Uniform to Studies” scholarship

Pre-academic preparatory programs

Psychometric Entrance Test (PET) scholarships

Hi-Tech technological qualifications

*The receiving of benefits from the Ministry of Defense is conditional on completing 12 months of service or being discharged due to a service dismissing medical profile

:Professional qualification by the ‘Gate to the Future’ Administration-

The ‘Gate to the Future’ Administration offers a variety of professional qualifications in multiple fields

A soldier can join the program starting from a month before being discharged up to ten years since the end of their mandatory service

For further information please refer to the ‘Gate to the Future’ Administration on WhatsApp - 03-7374789


:Professional qualifications for discharged combat soldiers-

:“Combat to Hi-Tech”

The program is designed for combat sodiers before or after being discharged and provides various bootcamp-style high-level professional qualifications in the field of hi-tech, in full cooperation with Israel’s hi-tech industry. The program combines positioning in leading companies and allows for an easy entrance into the world of hi-tech

Lone soldiers in combat positions could join the program up to ten years since the end of their mandatory service

For further information, click here


Funding of 80% of the tuition*

Monthly subsistence allowance for discharged soldiers (in unusual cases)*


English course-

The program is designed for combat soldiers before or after being discharged. The course’s duration is five days per week for four to five weeks. The course takes place in Haifa, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Be’er Sheva

For further information, click here


Employement and Career

:‘Work as a Discharged Soldier’-

The program assists discharged soldiers to connect with business owners and employers all across the country and find a job. The offered jobs cover a wide variety of fields. 

For further information, please contact 058-5904613, 03-7600146

On the website of the Foundation and Unit for Discharged Soldiers there are multiple job offers and further information.

Websites where discharged soldiers could find a job include - AllJobs, JobMaster, Sahbak, Linkedin and more


Rights from Public Authorities

:Property taxes-

Soldiers are entitled to a property taxes exemption up until 4 months from they day they were discharged. To receive the exemption the soldiers must attend the municipality with the required documents, according to the municipality’s requirements

The exemption could not be given retroactively*


:Income tax-

Soldiers are entitled to a discount in the income tax during three years from the day they were discharged. Soldiers must show their employer a discharging or end of service certificate and hand in a 101 form (an employee’s card and an income tax discount request)


:National Insurance (Bitu’ach Le’umi)-

Soldiers are entitled to an exemption from National Insurance and health insurance payments during the first two months after they were discharged, with the condition they are unemployed and have no income. After the first two months please settle the payments on the website or contact *6050 to do so


:Health insurance (Kupat Holim)-

Please register for health insurance proactively. Soldiers who live abroad and volunteered are required to register for a private health insurance.  


:Debts settlements by the Lone Soldier Center with cooperation of the Execution Office-

A discharged lone soldier with a debt for a public authority could refer to the Lone Soldier Center to request assistance with debt settlement

Contact the Lone Soldier Center in 1111 ext. 2

?How Could I Receive Support and Personal Guidance as a Civilian

:Personal guidance and organizations-

‘Yated’ Program - A national program for the young people designed by the Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs in which social workers are spreaded in the local authorities and provide support for discharged soldiers. The fields of assistance covered as part of the program include integration into civilian life, utilization of rights, finding housing and employment solutions and preparation for the work market.

To register for the program, click here

Benji’s House’ - guidance in utilization of rights, personal goals, proper economic conduct and assistance in specific topics

For soldiers who served their full time of service*

Dana Barzilai - 054-4254123

Brothers’ Foundation - personal guidance with an emphasis on housing solutions and occupational support

Omer Soroka - 054-6647134

Right Spirit’ Organization -  awards academic scholarship for discharged soldiers equivalent to up to NIS 10,000, offers courses and qualifies soldiers to work in the hi-tech industry, provides house equipment and furniture, etc

Contact details - 050-959-7700, 058-730-7700

Big Brother’ Organization - personal guidance for discharged lone soldiers, offers a personal mentoring program designed by a qualified personal mentor and includes 12 one-on-one sessions (in person / via ZOOM). The sessions will revolve around receiving tools for acheiving goals in the personal, mental, professional fields and so forth

*For soldiers who served their full time of service

Meirav - 052-921-7290

The Lone Soldier Center’s Program for Discharged Soldiers - a designated WhatsApp group that guides lone soldiers as they approach they discharge date and six months afterward! The group chat offers updates regarding their rights, provides assistance in contacting relevant authorities and are directed to additional organizations to receive guidance in further fields

To join the group, call the Lone Soldier Center at 1111 ext. 2

Work as a Discharged Soldier’ - provides assistance to discharged lone soldiers in finding civilian jobs according to their place of residence

Contact details - 058-5904613. 03-7600146

Menifa’ - connects lone soldiers with volunteers that provide them with assistance and support in all fields. Holds monthly meetings in accordance with the willing of the soldier and the volunteer

*For soldiers who served their full time of service

Oshrit - 054-3455252


Lone Soldiers who Recently Made Aliyah

:Housing benefits-

Representation in regard to housing rights - a monthly housing allowance for those who recently made Aliyah will be directly transferred to the soldier’s bank account. For further information, click here 

Hypothec discount - For further information, click here


:Academic studies benefits-

Preparation program - pre-academic preparatories for those who recently made Aliyah

Pre-Aliyah and pre-academic services - information regarding study options in Israel, assistance in finding the relevant curriculum, assuring entitlement for assistance etc

Consultation and guidance in finding a curriculum by Maof

 Assistance in tuition - assistance in tuition fees (while studying a degree or an associate degree) including supplemental assistance in receiving exemption in Hebrew or English courses on campus, depending on capabilities

Students’ support system - includes tutoring, an on-campus mentor, social activities and trips, assistance and additional programs

‘Rising Leadership’ - a program revolving around community involvement and entrepreneurship, in cooperation with Mifal HaPais

:Contact details of the Student Authority-

Northern District 073-3973023 -

Tel Aviv and Central District 073-3974003/4 -

Jerusalem District 073-3972631/2 - 

Be’er Sheva and Southern District 073-3975025 - 


:Employment benefits- 

Preparation for finding a career - an occupational psychologist assists in finding a career, including job searching workshops. For further information, click here

Professional qualifications - vouchers of up to NIS 7,000 for professional qualification courses, includes employment in the work market. For further information, click here

Finding a job - employment agencies that direct and assist in finding a quality workplace. Please schedule a meeting with an occupational counselor in one of the bureaus of the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration (schedule an appointment via the myvisit application at your nearest bureau)


:Assistance in starting your own business-

Business-economic information center - offers information to independent businesses regarding economic issues

Business centers for those who recently made Aliyah and returning residents - 150 business and economic counselors who speak foreign languages in 5 centers, offering counseling on feasibility studies, business model and plan, personal guidance while starting a business and more (the service is provided for free, except for a business plan equivalent to NIS 250)

Workshops - approximately 50 online workshops in small groups via ZOOM, designated for those who recently made Aliyah that are 21 years old or above. The workshops revolve around various subjects

To contact - please schedule a business entrepreneurship counseling session in your nearest Ministry of Aliyah and Integration bureau


:Guidance and organizations-

‘Wings’ program - guidance of lone soldiers who recently made Aliyah by accessibility of rights and providing tools for optimal integration into society and mental care in case of need, The guidance is granted up to five years since concluding the soldiers’ mandatory service

Contact details - 1-800-30-30-40

‘Nefesh B’Nefesh’ - an international program that guides lone soldiers who recently made Aliyah from North America and offers general, occupational and academic counseling

Contact details - *6563

‘Promised Land Shelters’ - the organization provides assistance to those who recently made Aliyah regarding integration, Hebrew courses and a housing solution including a guest house with private rooms (requires committment to at least three months), the organization is located in Tiberias

Contact details - Kristina 054-3121422


:Additional benefits-

Property taxes discount - one could receive a 90% discount on propery taxes during one out of the two first years since the day they made Aliyah. For further information, please refer to the relevant municipality and click here

Health insurances discount - for further information, click here


Career Lone Soldiers



The form in which the soldiers pay rent differ, depending on the number of years they serve as career soldiers

First year in career service - Apply for rent via the personal account on the website of the Foundation and Unit for Discharged Soldiers (Rent according to law). For further information, click here

Second year in career service - Apply for rent via the IDF’s Housing Desk. The calculation does not include distance criterias. Soldiers are entitled to 100% from the ceiling

To apply for rent, click here

Third and fourth years in career service - Apply for rent via the IDF’s Housing Desk. The calculation includes distance criterias according to which the soldiers must live within a 25-kilometer range from their unit. They are also entitled to 75% from the ceiling

Fifth to seventh years in career service - Apply for rent via the IDF’s Housing Desk. The calculation includes distance criterias according to which the soldiers must live within a 25-kilometer range from their unit. They are also entitled to 50% from the ceiling. In order to apply for rent refunds by the IDF in the second year in career service and onward, please refer to the HR (Mash’an) or Tash offices in your unit


:Beit HaChayal-

Soldiers are entitled to up to three months of organizing in Beit HaChayal from the day they discharged - click here